APAGear II Archives Volume 3, Number 4 May, 2001


The House Organ

Words of Questionable Wisdom from the Distribution Manager

Howdy once again. I want to take this opportunity to welcome new member Jason Dickerson to the group. Welcome aboard, Jason. Beyond that... Enjoy the issue.

Your Vaguely Humble Servant,

Christian Schaller
APAGear II Distribution Manager

Keener Awards

The keener this month is Harman Meyerhoff, with Janne Kemppi in a close second place.


Recall, if you will, that I've abandoned the critique assignment page for now, since I've not been generating them in recent issues. That doesn't mean APAGear members are exempt from critiquing, mind you!

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APAGear II Archives Volume 3, Number 4 May, 2001