Cash'n Carry
Adventure Seed for a Group of professionals
Janne Kemppi
"You are not the last bit interested as to where we are going?"
"Like the sign says, if the cash is there, we do not care."
From movie "Deep Rising" (1997)
Professionals is a group name for any legal or illegal group of
investigators, often with background in security or military, who have
gone to work together in civilian life. What really makes them
professionals is that they use their specialized skills in often
questionable and at times illegal ways. Work detail includes
investigations, handling difficult negotiations, personal protection and
occasionally smuggling too.
Whenever something must be carried from one place to another, a delivery
is used. When ever something must be carried illegally from one place to
another, a smuggler is used. Whenever something must be carried secretly,
safely and surely from one place to another, a Professional is used. That
is really the bottom line of business idea for any group of professionals
living in Khaya An-Din. However, one does what one needs to make the ends
meet and this carefully cultivated image is definitely a sham. Perhaps
just handfull of best paid professionals can actually afford to look down
run on the mill smuggling and vast majority of the so called professionals
are just smugglers and crooks by other name.
The clientele varies a lot but usually professionals do occasionally
smuggling asking any of their (rare) friends or (common) contacts to carry
a packet through. At the easiest end there could be a businessmen wanting
something embarrassing (like naughty material carried to prudent North).
Some times professionals might be hired to plumber the smuggling pipeline
back to work out. At the most dangerous and difficult end there are really
valuable cargoes such as stolen art that must be delivered in person.
These kind of jobs pay well but the risks are enormous too...
The Box
Professionals have been hired to carry a tough
looking heavy box through Terra Nova from Khaya Ad-Din to Perth in
Humanist Alliance. The box has tough steel frame and is about 1x1x1 meter
sized is is obviously very heavy and looks pretty much like inspocuous and
ordinary cargo box that is used to carry machine tools or spare parts to
vehicle systems like gears. As usual, no questions on cargo, delivery or
- Box has a very sophisticated (and hard to observe)
tracking devide attached because client did not fully trust (for obvious
reasons) to Professionals. Thus someone is following in distance
(perhaps observed by luck) the group during their truck. The
possibilities of mistrust, paranoia and accusing each other or people
along the smuggling link are limitless. It would be even more fun, if
the trace was actually captured by client's enemy and group would be
tailed by two sides at the both time...
- Group's box carrying vehicle gets itself into an
accident during rising sandstorm in Badlands close to a remote oasis
tower. As soon as group enters the place to search for tools, spares and
shelter, they notice that there is a treatening mood amongst the locals.
Oasis tower has had a string of accidents, possibly sabotage, and
everyone is accusing each other. Everyone is gathering weapons and
fights and arguments get more heated and heated. A group of obviously
very capable adventurers could easily tip the balance if things boil
over. Professionals are in it, whether they want it or not...
- There are times when even most ardent Professional has
to leave the delivery box alone. One of these times is a border check by
a (brutal, incompetent and corrupt to hilt) Southern MILICIA. Everything
goes relatively smoothly but as Professionals return to their vehicles,
they notice that amongst minor thievery, the box is missing. Certainly
the military unit whose equipment looked worse for wear has taken it as
a spare parts container. The tracks leads to firebase that looks more of
a bandit camp than military compound. Security is lax but these guys are
soldiers and thus armed to teeth if something goes wrong. Not to mention
a minor detail that boxes like the one lost seem to be laying everywhere
in the compound...
- Professionals have a background in military or security
and people with backgrounds are often routinely checked out by local
authorities or (even worse) security services. Ofcourse, it might also
be a mistaken identity. Smuggling something is difficult, smuggling
something with snoops on your back is art. Losing tail is suspicious and
could lead to search and eventual finding of the box. Thus there is a
need to act as if nothing is wrong, yet somehow get the box through
checkpoints and set up a meeting in delivery point and get the box there
(and return with cash) while somehow looking as innocent as possible.
That is something to ponder but the clock is ticking and authorities
might just pull the group in anyways...
- Box breaks up during transport as vehicle carrying it
gets into an accident or it is being moved from one vehicle to another.
That is embarrassing to say the least but what is real problem is that
professionals see what they are carrying. Box seems to carry some kind
of a complicated machinery that has organic, odd-looking biological
construct inside. Illegal (not to mention unethical)
bioengineering/bioweapon perhaps? A kind of research that anyone
involved is ready to kill to keep secret. Surely both the client and the
people on delivery point are broad minded enough not to ponder such
thoughts when they see a broken up container? Yeah, right...
- Professionals get a message that the deal is off. That
is quite rare but by no means impossible. Parties on both end of the
delivery disappear immediately afterwards and Professionals are left out
to dry with their cargo. Since all they have is this box they could as
well sell its contents to highest bidder. Lets see what kind of jack in
a box (Hint: see point 5 above) is there...

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