Johnathan "Blue Jack" Sanlander

Governor of Coronado; Former Commanding Officer, 23rd Armored Cavalry Regiment


Military Record


Combat Reactions

Age: 54 cycles Height: 183 cm Weight: 91 kg Hair Color: Brown, graying Eye Color: Brown

AGI 0 APP +1 BLD +1 CRE +2 FIT 0
INF 0 KNO +2 PER +1 PSY 0 WIL +1
STR 0 HEA 0 STA 30 UD 6 AD 5

Skills (Heavy Gear 2nd Edition)
Aircraft Pilot 2/0 Athletics 1/0 Combat Sense 2/+1 Communications 1/+2
Computer 2/+2 Dodge 1/0 Drive 2/0 First Aid 1/+2
Hand-to-Hand 2/0 Investigation 1/+1 Leadership 3/0 Melee 1/0
Notice 2/+1 Small Arms 2/0 Streetwise 1/0 Tactics 2/+2
Visual Arts 2/+2

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