EA-6B Prowler

Country of Origin: United States
Image courtesy of the United States Navy; click on image to display larger version

Type: Carrier-based electronic warfare aircraft Manufacturer: Grumman Aerospace
Armor Material: Aluminum and steel Armor Thickness: n/a
Length: 17.7 m Wingspan: 15.9 m
Weight: 27,921 kg (max land-based takeoff weight) Maximum Speed: 925 kph
Powerplant: 2 x Pratt & Whitney J52-P408 engines Thrust: 4717 kg static thrust each

Size: 10 Total Actions: 3

Weapon Code Arc S M L EX Acc FC Dam Qty ROF Special Ammo
Total of 5 available external hardpoints (use per rules in Technical Manual Second Edition, p. 149 and Banzaidyne New Perks and Flaws)

Primary Movement: Flight 8/25/31 (930 kph) Secondary Movement: Ground 20/40 (240 kph)
Maneuver: -2 Armor: 10 / 20 / 30

Crew: 4 (Pilot, ECM Systems Officer/Navigator, 2 ECM Officers) Deployment Range: 1800 km
Sensors: +2 / 4 km ground, 40 km air Communications: +1 / 20 km ground, 200 km air
Perks: Autopilot (AUX), Backup Communcations, Catapult Hook (AUX), Chaff/Flare Dispensers (AUX, Rating 2, 60 shots), Ejection Seats, Laboratory (ECM, Rating 1), Refuelling Intake Flaws: Large Sensor Profile (Rating 1), Requires Airstrip
Defects: None Lemon Dice: 2

For ECM missions, the Prowler typically carries two hardpoint-mounted ALQ-99 active jamming pods. Each pod carried is represented as a separate ECM Perk at Rating 3. The pods are managed in the Laboratory (ECM) by the two ECM officers in the rear seats (sometimes referred to as the "office").

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