Tornado IDS

Country of Origin: Germany / Italy / United Kingdom
Image courtesy of the U.S. Department of Defense; click on image to display larger version

Type: Close support aircraft Manufacturer: Panavia Aircraft GmbH
Armor Material: Aluminum and titanium alloys Armor Thickness: n/a
Length: 16.72 m Wingspan: 13.91 m (wings spread), 8.6 m (wings swept)
Weight: 27,950 kg (max takeoff weight) Maximum Speed: 2640 kph
Powerplant: 2 x Turbo-Union RB199-34R Mk 103 afterburning turbofans Thrust: 6518 kg each (with A/B: 10,637 kg each)

Size: 10 Total Actions: 2

Weapon Code Arc S M L EX Acc FC Dam Qty ROF Special Ammo
27mm IWKA-Mauser autocannons LAC FF 2 4 8 16 0 0 x8 2 +6 - 180 ea
* AIM-9 Sidewinder AAM FF 8 16 32 64 +1 0 x10 1 0 Guided, Min Range 10 2
* High-Speed Antiradiation Missile (HARM) AGM-88 FF 11 22 44 88 +1 0 x16 1 0 Guided, Missile, Sensor-Homing 2
Total of 7 available external hardpoints (use per rules in Technical Manual Second Edition, p. 149 and Banzaidyne New Perks and Flaws)

Primary Movement: Flight 7/36/88 (2640 kph) Secondary Movement: Ground 20/40 (240 kph)
Maneuver: -1 Armor: 11 / 22 / 33

Crew: 2 (Pilot, Weapons Officer) Deployment Range: 2800 km
Sensors: +1 / 4 km ground, 40 km air Communications: +1 / 20 km ground, 200 km air
Perks: Acceleration Protection, Autopilot (AUX), Backup Communications, Backup Sensors, Chaff/Flare Dispensers (AUX, Rating 2, 60 shots), ECM (onboard passive jammer, AUX, Rating 1), Ejection System (AUX), NOE Flyer, Refueling Intake, Weapons Link (both guns) Flaws: Decreased Maneuverability (SMS, Rating 1), Requires Airstrip
Defects: None Lemon Dice: 3

* Tornado ECR (EW/recon version):
Add AAM and AGM-88 HARM as listed above; change Sensors to +2 / 3 km ground, 30 km air, ECM to Rating 2; remove guns

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